Handmade furniture, bowls & more. Welcome to Valliant Woodworks


Our goal is to ensure every customer is satisfied with our products. Each piece hand finished to ensure superior quality.

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local wood

We specialize in using local & heirloom wood in order to give out artwork a story. Request a custom piece today!

How is a bowl turned?

  • Connector.

    Roughing & tennon

    A bowl blank is created & a tenon is made in order to mount the bowl on a chuck.

  • Connector.


    The bulk of the material is removed during this stage. The final shape of the bowl is formed.

  • Connector.


    Sanding & finishing are the final steps. The grain and character of the piece shine!

Check out the Valliant woodworks shop for out latest artistic creations!Turnmaster Skip Valliant

Skip Valliant

This is where the text for your Feature Box should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.

Josh Valliant

This is where the text for your Feature Box should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.

Tyler Valliant

This is where the text for your Feature Box should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.

Krista Valliant

This is where the text for your Feature Box should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.